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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11:06 PM

The news article which I read online dated 21 November 2010 was about an animal abuse. It says about a woman who was filmed sitting on a bunny and crushing it to death to kill other bunnies, with the help of her girlfriends. For example, one woman was seen placing a bunny beneath a piece of glass and sitting on the glass, crushing the poor animal to death, as her two girlfriends laughed.
After reading this article, I felt disgusted by their actions. Nowadays, I feel that people do not have much compassion for animals. When they are irritated by actions done by the pet, they start to relieve their anger by abusing it. This is why the number of cases of animal abuse is arising.
The abuse may be done either by the pet owner or just any people to a stray cat/dog. Sometimes, it may be due to some actions done by the pet that irritates the owner, for example peeing on the ground or scratching on to his furniture for repeated number of times that the owner is now irritated and annoyed by its actions. This is when the pet owner abuses his pet like perhaps taking a broom to hit it or using hot water to pour over it. To him, he may think that he is educating his pet the right things. But in actual fact, it will cause the pet to cower away from the owner. A stray pet may also irritate a stranger when for instance, it happens to block his path by accidental. If the person has a fury temper and dislikes animals, the animal is in trouble. For example, there was once an article showing how a woman killed a cat using her heels which break off its head. This is one of the worse acts that a person has the heart to do something to a cat.
Hence, I feel that in order to stop these cases from happening, if anyone who knows or happen to see someone who is abusing an animal, stop the person immediately instead of acting as if you never saw anything. Think of the pet who is suffering right now. You will regret it if you happen to see that on the following day, the newspaper headlines show that the animal broke its head or whatsoever. Also, government should not be lenient to these abusers and let them off easily. They should have more television advertisements to remind people to be mindful of their actions and the consequences.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
2:23 PM

The news article which I read online dated 13 November 2010, was about a 26-year-old woman who was attacked in Yishun. She was enjoying happy hour with two male friends at Ginza Pub in Yishun along Sembawang Road when the unexpected happen.
She was confronted by a group of five women and one men in their late 20s who asked if she belonged to a gang. This group of girls started by saying she look cocky and added on to say that they don’t like the way she look. Before she managed to get back to her seat, this group of women and man came in with glass bottles and knives and started throwing at her. She suffered multiple slashes on her face, arms and legs and was sent to hospital. Her two male friends were also injured while trying to protect her.
After reading this news article and some of the news which I read about previously relating to gang fights, for example, the gang fight at Downtown East, I realized that many teenagers are using violence to solve matters or taking things into their own hands. For example, if the gang sees people whom they are not happy of, they say that they are staring at them, they look cocky and they don’t like the way the person look. Even if the person did not even provoke or even look at them in the first place, the person may have already offended this gang. They are already determined to attack him or her. Then, what are we supposed to do if we see a gang? If we were to look away and pretend that we didn’t see this gang of people, they may also say we look arrogant. So, does this means that if a gang approaches you, you are doom and just prepare yourself by getting attacked soon? Even if you call the police, they might not be able to get here in time and protect you. With all these gang fights and slashing going around, how is Singapore going to be a safe and civilized country? Hence, I feel that not only the police have to enforce a more sever law on this, but also take preventive measures to prevent all these from happening.

Sunday, November 7, 2010
9:20 PM

The newspaper article that I came across on The Straits Times, Sunday, 7 November 2010, was about how pushcart promoters promote their products nowadays.
Promoters nowadays are getting more persistent when selling their products and they will follow you until you stop by their pushcart and buy their products. They can deftly throw a herbal wrap over your shoulders, whip out hair curlers and teasingly tug at your hair to draw your attention. They will then grab your hand and pull you to their pushcart and start promoting and convince you to buy the product.
After reading this article, I agree to a great extent that promoters are persistent and too pushy in selling their products and that I once had a hard time rejecting them. This promoter was promoting a product that is used to buff your nails. As I walked pass her, she just grabbed onto my hand and started using the product on my nails. Although this product was pretty effective as I can see that after she helped me to buff my nails, my nails did shine. However, I had no intention of buying at all as the product was far too expensive. I rejected by smiling, but she kept holding on to my arm. I took some time to get rid of her by saying I’m rushing for time.
At her point of view, I know that what these promoters did were not totally wrong as they were trying to earn more money and commission by selling more products in all sorts of ways. However, it may become an invasion of privacy if certain acts cross the line such as like the promoters touch the customers without their consent. I feel that if a customer strictly rejected these promoters, they should respect them and not continue to follow and harass them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
6:08 PM

The news article that I came across on The Straits Times, Saturday, 31 October 2010, was about Mr Lim Koon Heng who had to depend on a wheelchair for the rest of his life due to an act of sheer folly.
In June 1989, he drove his Yamaha TZR 125 motorcycle to meet his girlfriend despite drinking 5 cans of beer during a celebration with his navy mates at Clifford Pier. Despite his colleague’s advice, he insisted on riding. It was then when he had an accident as he lost control and hit a divider. He was thrown off and, when he landed on his own bag which contained a spare helmet, he broke his spine. He had lost sensation and movement in his body and limbs, with screws drilled into the sides of his head to help straighten the spine and of course he lost his girlfriend as well.
After reading this article, I do pity him. Because of his one moment of poor judgement, he will bring with him the years of regret. He will have to rely on his family from them on which will definitely change his life. Police often push the safety message relentlessly but it doesn’t seem to be working on the youngsters who are always willing to take risks. It was due to these youngsters stubbornness that lead them to accidents and cause them disabilities. By the time they start to regret their actions, it’s all too late. Even if a youngster who is reading this article may still continue to speed, thinking that it is cool to ride fast. What they like is the thrill of speed. They may think that they won’t be as unlucky as him. But who knows?

Hence, I do hope that youngsters should know the risk of speeding and not repeat the same things as what Mr Lim did in the past. Government should show more of the casualties on television that speeding will result to.

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